Veterans for peace was founded in 1985 to increase the public awareness of the total costs of war. 

The heart of VFP’s work is carried out by our 100+ chapters in the U.S. and Vietnam. Members determine the most effective way to carry out this work in their community. 

Veterans for Peace also believes and exists to restrain our government from intervening in the internal affairs of other nations. End the arms race. Reduce, and eventually eliminate, nuclear weapons. Seek justice for veterans and victims of war. Abolish war as an instrument of national policy. We attempt to accomplish our mission through public displays such as marching in parades, our memorial displays on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day in the open area in Traverse City and speaking out against war in public places. We proudly wear our Chapter 50 T-shirts. We also attempt to be present at schools to present a more realistic image of military service with no disrespect to Service branch Recruiters.