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Veterans for Peace, Chapter 50 - Meeting Agenda
Date: Saturday 10/19/24
Time: 10:00 am
Location: To Be Announced (later this week)
1. Moment of Silence.
2. Sign in and welcome, introductions
3. Thoughts and messages or statements from any member.
4. Old Business
A. International Peace Day - Peace Pole @ TC Central - Report
5. On-going Business
A. Peace Wall update. (Tim)
6. New Business
A. Veterans/Armistice Day, Nov. 11
B. Any Changes to Scholarship Fund?
C. Officers for VFP50. Any changes? When do we nominate & vote to confirm?
Current: President - Tim Keenan
V.P. - Bob Nichols
Secretary - Penny Concannon
Treasurer - Denise Sica
D. Elliott Morrison Memorial - Should VFP donate to Elliott’s designated charity
(Grand Traverse Land Conservancy)
7. Committee Reports
a. Treasurer - Denise
b. Public Relations - Mary E & Mary P
8. Any issues, concerns or information from the members or guests of VFP50.
9. Set the next meeting date.